Governance and assurance

Strong governance and assurance are crucial for the success and sustainability of charities and not-for-profit organisations. Effective governance ensures accountability, transparency, and ethical conduct, while assurance practices protect your organisation from risks and enhance stakeholder confidence.

Our Governance and Assurance resources provide comprehensive guidance and best practices to help you build a robust governance framework and maintain high standards of assurance.

And if you need any additional support, we provide charity consultancy support.

Board development

A well-functioning board is the cornerstone of effective governance. Our resources on board development cover a wide range of topics to help you build and maintain a strong, effective board:

  • Board composition: Guidance on selecting board members with the right mix of skills, experience, and diversity to drive your organisation forward.
  • Roles and responsibilities: Clear definitions of the roles and responsibilities of board members, including fiduciary duties, strategic oversight, and governance functions.
  • Board training and development: Tips for onboarding new board members and providing ongoing training to ensure they remain informed and engaged.
  • Board evaluation: Tools and techniques for assessing board performance and identifying areas for improvement.

Policy and procedure

Effective policies and procedures are essential for ensuring consistency, compliance, and ethical conduct within your organisation. Our resources include:

  • Policy development: Step-by-step guides for creating comprehensive policies that cover all aspects of your operations, from financial management to human resources.
  • Procedure implementation: Advice on implementing procedures that support your policies and ensure they are followed by staff and volunteers.
  • Policy review and update: Best practices for regularly reviewing and updating your policies to keep them relevant and effective.

Risk management

Identifying and mitigating risks is vital for protecting your organisation and its stakeholders. Our risk management resources help you develop a proactive approach to risk management:

  • Risk assessment: Techniques for identifying potential risks, evaluating their impact, and prioritising them based on likelihood and severity.
  • Risk mitigation strategies: Practical advice on developing and implementing strategies to mitigate identified risks, including financial, operational, and reputational risks.
  • Crisis management: Guidelines for preparing for and responding to crises, ensuring your organisation can navigate challenges effectively.

Compliance and reporting

Maintaining compliance with legal and regulatory requirements is essential for building trust and credibility. Our compliance and reporting resources provide:

  • Legal compliance: Information on key legal requirements and obligations for charities and not-for-profits, including tax, employment, and data protection laws.
  • Regulatory reporting: Guidance on meeting the reporting requirements of regulators, such as filing annual returns and financial statements.
  • Internal reporting: Best practices for internal reporting, including regular updates to the board and stakeholders on key performance indicators and risk management.

Audit and assurance

Regular audits and assurance practices provide independent verification of your organisation’s financial health and operational effectiveness. Our resources cover:

  • Audit preparation: Tips for preparing for external audits, including gathering necessary documentation and understanding the audit process.
  • Internal audits: Guidance on conducting internal audits to ensure compliance and identify areas for improvement.
  • Assurance practices: Best practices for implementing assurance frameworks that provide ongoing verification of your organisation’s practices and performance.

Stakeholder engagement

Engaging with stakeholders is critical for maintaining transparency and building trust. Our resources on stakeholder engagement include:

  • Communication strategies: Techniques for effectively communicating with stakeholders, including donors, beneficiaries, staff, and volunteers.
  • Feedback mechanisms: Tools for gathering and responding to feedback from stakeholders to improve your practices and strengthen relationships.
  • Transparency initiatives: Ideas for promoting transparency, such as publishing annual reports, financial statements, and impact assessments.

Governance and Assurance matters

Strong governance and assurance practices not only protect your organisation but also enhance its reputation and credibility.

By adopting best practices in governance and assurance, you demonstrate your commitment to accountability, transparency, and ethical conduct. This, in turn, helps you build trust with stakeholders, attract funding, and achieve your mission more effectively.

We are committed to helping you build and maintain a robust governance framework. Our Governance and Assurance resources, along with our charity consultancy support provide the knowledge and tools you need to ensure your organisation operates with integrity and achieves its goals.